DCT Centre – Daiga Chats to Shebear

Shebear (officially known as Sara Shebear) is an entrepreneurial humanitarian who loves empowering people to empower themselves and others. Her many skills include life coaching, tutoring, mentoring, developing WordPress websites and writing. She has a love for the outdoors and feels that if we can re-connect to nature then we will re-connect to ourselves.

Sovereignty and negotiating these exciting times. Shebear talks about the importance of detachment, perspective, gratitude, faith and belief and how they can move you toward becoming a Sovereign being. She gives us ideas of how we can change our mindset so each challenge becomes a learning opportunity, which can help our lives flow more harmoniously.

Shebear also covers the future of Humanipro.org and her goals.

Website: www.shebearconnection.com Email: support@shebearconnection.com

About Daiga

To see more of Daiga’s videos: Link to her Facebook page – DCT Centre
Go to her YouTube channel – DCTcentre

To be a guest on her show please email daiga.millere@hotmail.co.uk

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